Welcome to
Skills Summary
Skills Summary is an easy to use online tool that measures the skills young people gain by participating in non-formal education such as youth work, volunteering and other out-of-school opportunities.
I am a young person
Skills Summary will help you assess your career skills – including communication skills and teamwork.
It will help you build a strong CV and give you the best opportunity to prepare for job interviews.
I support young people
Skills Summary will help you in your role supporting young people’s skills development and in measuring the impact of your projects and your organisation’s work.
I’m an employer
Skills Summary will help you better understand the value of non-formal education and youth work experience of your potential employees, enrich your recruitment and benefit your selection process
Core Competencies
Identify your key life skills by answering 12 short questions in each of our 12 categories
Skills Summary
Review your progress and record your experience on your personalised Profile Page
Request endorsements from your peers or mentors to support your CV preparation
Want to check it out?
Try out Skills Summary now! Click on the button below and you’ll be able to access a taster of one of the skills courses before you sign up.
Communication Skills
Productivity Skills
Leadership Skills
Personal Skills

Skills Summary is the result of a collaborative project between the National Youth Council of Ireland, Accenture and SpunOut.ie. It is funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and recognised as a measurement tool in the Youth Employability Initiative.